fLasHbAck fRidaY:
i love this picture. paxton was about 3 and wyatt about 1. they are so different, yet so much alike. they love doing everything together. paxton loves to draw, look at books, play video games and make things. wyatt loves to be outside playing on his scooter, he is always the first to help me bake, he likes to do anything the big kids are doing. i can't believe how much they have grown right before my eyes. it amazes me that paxton is going to be in kindergarten this next year (wyatt starts pre-school). everybody asks me if i am going to cry when i send pax off to his first day of school. i don't think that i will. he is so excited and ready to go that how can i be upset or sad. he is growing up....i might as well embrace it! i love that my two boys are such good little buddies. they definatly have their moments when i want to konk their little heads together, but they are good boys and i am so blessed to be their mom!
about your sis playing softball... where do they play?
i think i might not cry the first day... but then again, i cry over everything!
count me in on softball...
Kindergarten already? Wow, I remember when the three of us were in Kindergarten with Mrs. Campbell. Time does pass so quickly. I am so glad that we have remained friends through it all. Are you going to be in town next week? I really need my hair done. I will call you to see what your schedule is like. Love ya!
such cuties!
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