Wednesday, May 21, 2008

MamAs liTtle coOKie MonsTer!
today i decided to make homemade choc chip cookies. its the best receipe i have ever found. its from my friend brenda (thanks bren!) so ky was going crazy when i was scooping them out on the cookie sheet, she wanted some so bad. so when the first batch came out she got the first one. she loved it. i wasn't sure that she would do very good with a whole cookie, but she was a monster. i don't know much cuter than a baby face covered in food! (notice the crazy hair do she has going on? we attempted pig tails for the first time yesterday. they looked good when we first did them, but this is after a full night sleep and a nap this morning..she is still so cute though!!!)


Mindy said...

k you were saying how grown up she is, and now i believe it! i guess it has been a while...

Sharee said...

I love these photos! You will have to share the cookie recipe, We will have to get together when I come down before Father's Day.

how cute

About Me

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i am a very lucky girl. i am married to my high school sweetheart. i have 3 beautiful little ones. and i get to do my dream job...stay at home! i love everything in of now!

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