Tuesday, September 29, 2009

peach rasberry jam...
every year as peaches come into season, me, my mom and my sister get together and make this jam. it is sooooo good and is pretty easy to make! so i wanted to share. go ahead, give it a try with all those yummy peaches that you have been wondering what you are going to do with.

**my moms jam **
4c. smashed peaches
4c. sugar
1pkg. frozen rasberries
(you can used fresh, about 1 1/2 baskets)
1- 3oz. pkg. strawberry jello

first get yourself some peaches. i got this entire basket full and i ended up making about 8 batches.
next you need to take the skin off your peaches. this is a good tip i got from my friend kasie, get a pot of water boiling and drop your peaches in for about 30 seconds. take them out and let them cool just a bit. then the skins will slide right off! so much easier then to use a knife!

once you get the skins off, wash and cut in half.

instead of smashing my peaches i put them in the blender and pushed the chop button.

put 4c. of the peaches, 4c. of sugar, and 1 pkg. of rasberries into a pot, stir altogether. bring to a boil, make sure to stir constantly. once it is boiling reduce the heat to med/low and cook for 25 minutes, stir occasionally.

after you have cooked the jam for the 25 minutes, take it off the heat and add the pkg of strawberry jello. stir it in and then pour into your containers. then plop those little babies into your freezer and use as needed.

Volia! now you have a nice supply of homemade, yummy, fresh, peach rasberry jam!
hope you enjoy! let me know if anyone tries it!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Thanks for the how to...I have been wanting to make jam but didnt know how and it just so happens I wanted that flavor!! Woo Hoo gotta try it now!

how cute

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i am a very lucky girl. i am married to my high school sweetheart. i have 3 beautiful little ones. and i get to do my dream job...stay at home! i love everything in life...as of now!

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