Sunday, June 15, 2008

haPpY faTheRs daY tO thE beSt daDdy I kNow!!!
what can i say to really tell how i feel about the man who i love so much. he is the greatest dad, husband, provider, son, and friend. he is such a caring man especially to his family. he would do just about anything to help someone in need. he is very generous, kind, patient (especially with his family), supportive, loving, funny, just an all round joy to be married to.
thank you allan for all that you do for us, i know that life around here is not always the easiest, most fun, or calm by any means, but you always seem to take things in stride. i know that if we ever needed you, you would be there. thanks for always making me and the kids feel so loved and that we are numero uno! i love you thanks for being the daddy i always dreamed my kids would have!

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i am a very lucky girl. i am married to my high school sweetheart. i have 3 beautiful little ones. and i get to do my dream job...stay at home! i love everything in of now!

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